Credit Rating
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Classification | Agency | Credit Rating | Evaluation Date |
Korean | Korea Investors Service |
AA- (Stable) |
2024.06 |
NICE Investors Service |
AA- (Stable) |
2024.08 | |
Korea Ratings |
AA- (Stable) |
2024.08 | |
Global | S&P | BBB+ (Stable) |
2024.08 |
Moody’s | Baa2 (Stable) |
2024.08 |
Classification | Agency | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 |
Korean | Korea Investors Service |
AA- (Stable) |
AA- (Stable) |
AA- (Stable) |
AA- (Stable) |
AA- (Stable) |
AA- (Stable) |
AA- (Stable) |
AA- (Stable) |
NICE Investors Service |
AA- (Stable) |
AA- (Stable) |
AA- (Stable) |
AA- (Stable) |
AA- (Stable) |
AA- (Stable) |
AA- (Stable) |
AA- (Stable) |
Korea Ratings |
AA- (Stable) |
AA- (Stable) |
AA- (Stable) |
AA- (Stable) |
AA- (Stable) |
AA- (Stable) |
AA- (Stable) |
A+ (Stable) |
Global | S&P | BBB+ (Stable) |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Moody’s | Baa2 (Stable) |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Credit Rating | Definition | |
S&P | Moody’s | |
AAA | Aaa | Obligations are judged to be of the highest quality, with minimal risk. |
AA+, AA, AA- | Aa1, Aa2, Aa3 | Obligations are judged to be of high quality and are subject to very low credit risk. |
A+, A, A- | A1, A2, A3 | Obligations are considered upper-medium-grade and are subject to low credit risk. |
BBB+, BBB, BBB- | Baa1, Baa2, Baa3 | Obligations are subject to moderate credit risk. They are considered medium-grade and as such may possess speculative characteristics. |
BB+,BB, BB- | Ba1, Ba2, Ba3 | Obligations are judged to have speculative elements and are subject to substantial credit risk. |
B+, B, B- | B1, B2, B3 | Obligations are considered speculative and are subject to high credit risk. |
CCC or lower | Caa or lower | Obligations are judged to be of poor standing, very near default or in default. |