As Korea's largest food trader,
POSCO International is constructing a food value

chain that encompasses production, processing,
and distribution.
As the largest food trader in Korea, we are constructing a food value chain encompassing production, processing, and distribution. Our acquisitions of farmland across key nations, including Australia, Ukraine, Indonesia, and Uzbekistan, lay the groundwork for our global food procurement endeavors. We bolster our competitiveness and sustainability by expanding our operations under international environmental certifications. Leveraging our global network for trading capabilities and value chain management skills, we are striving to become a major global food company that contributes to national food security.
Our grain business is experiencing growth, spanning not only domestic imports of staple grains such as corn, wheat, rice, and soybeans but also cross-trade across Asia, Europe, North and South America, the Middle East, and Africa.

Through partnerships with farming companies and farmers' unions in key grain-producing regions such as Australia, Ukraine, North America, and South America, we fortify our global raw grain procurement system. Concurrently, we progressively venture into processing business and demand-driven businesses based on raw grain assets, actively seeking avenues to tap into emerging growth sectors.

Additionally, we are expanding our reach in the palm plantation business and pushing forward with entering the palm oil refining sector with a vision of becoming a "sustainable palm business company." Moreover, we consolidate our presence in the cotton spinning domain as we have emerged as the largest foreign investor in Uzbekistan, the world's sixth-largest cotton producer.

POSCO INTERNATIONAL is committed to achieving the goal of becoming a top 10 global major company based on our eco-friendly farming foundation.
Mid- to Long-term Growth Strategy for 2030
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