01Overseas Steel

About this Job
Sell steel products tailored to overseas demand.
- Offer a variety of overseas demand-oriented steel products, from semi-finished to finished goods. The primary dealings consist of export transactions — selling Korean-made products to overseas demand, and triangular transactions — connecting overseas supply chains with demand.
Read market trends and engage with various stakeholders.
- We promptly monitor and adapt to policy changes and market shifts on a global scale. Maintain close communication with a wide range of stakeholders to supply POSCO's steel products to customers around the world,
We explore diverse international investment opportunities in the steel sector.
- Explore various overseas investment opportunities in the steel industry. Go beyond conventional trading by initiating new investment ventures with existing partners and potential customers.
Fly Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee
- Adapt to the swiftly changing market conditions influenced by diverse factors requires continuous vigilance, alongside a steady understanding of the industry's shifting paradigm. Experience will allow decision-making to become more precise, leading to numerous opportunities for discovering new prospects.
International Communication
- Proficiency in foreign languages, particularly English, is essential. Effective communication encompasses not only the language but also an understanding of diverse cultures and individuals from different backgrounds.
02Domestic steel

About this Job
We supply steel products and offer financing and logistics services to a diverse range of customers.
We sell both POSCO-made steel products and imported steel products to meet the demand in Korea.
We aim to expand POSCO's share in the domestic market for steel and contribute to the supply stability in the domestic steel market by leveraging our overseas supply chains. Additionally, we provide financing, inventory storage, and logistics services to support domestic small and medium-sized enterprises.
We sell both POSCO-made steel products and imported steel products to meet the demand in Korea.
High Sense of Responsibility
- The most important aspect is responsibility. It is essential to take full ownership and manage everything from start to finish. Furthermore, a deep understanding and expertise in the products are required to persuade expert buyers in each field
Think and Talk Flexible
- To seize new opportunities and translate them into business, flexible thinking and the ability to acquire diverse information are essential. Proficiency in English or a second foreign language is also required for effective communication with overseas supply chains
03Steel Raw Material

About this Job
We sell raw materials purchased overseas to another country and provide related logistics and services.
- We sell raw materials purchased overseas to another country. We primarily deal in iron ore, and these materials are supplied from major sources around the world to China, which has the highest steel production volume globally. Maintaining smooth relationships with suppliers and customers is crucial, and meticulous management is essential at various levels every time cross-border shipments occur.
We are working together to secure a diversified supply network.
- As part of the POSCO Group, we are dedicated to efficiently sourcing raw materials for POSCO and ensuring the diversification of the supply network. Additionally, we are responsible for swiftly securing sales channels when the need arises for reselling raw materials.
A well-rounded set of skills, from information knowledge to responsibility.
- You need to have a strong understanding of items and markets, analytical skills, foreign language proficiency for communication with customers, trade practical skills, basic economic knowledge, as well as attention to detail and responsibility for the tasks you are entrusted with.

About this Job
We seek and realize opportunities to secure profits more reliably from the production of grains until processing.
- In line with the company's vision of expanding its scope to encompass agriculture, crushing, and refining businesses, this role involves leading the market's flow throughout the entire value chain from the production of agricultural products to harvesting, transportation, collection, shipment, and processing. It requires swiftly identifying opportunities
Analytical skills to read market trends and predict changes
- Grain trading is a business where price competitiveness is crucial. Therefore, it requires perseverance in constantly monitoring the market situation and the ability to select essential information from a vast amount of data to predict short-term and long-term market changes.
Attention to detail, composure, and communication skills
- Dealing with bulk cargo transactions involves numerous risks and variables. Even in unexpected situations, meticulous examination of trade conditions and composure are required. Additionally, effective communication skills and agility are necessary for direct negotiations with domestic and international trading partners
05Bio & Chemical Solution

About this Job
The chemical, eco-friendly, and bio-business is a trend leader adapting to the rapidly changing times.
- The chemical business encompasses a wide range of materials used in our daily lives and across industries, from raw materials to end products. Beyond traditional petrochemical operations, it has also shown its strength in eco-friendly and bio-businesses that align with global needs
Ability to understand diverse cultures in addition to the language
- Proficiency in English is essential for overseas sales, and a second foreign language skill is also required for communication with non-English-speaking countries. Furthermore, having an open attitude to accept and understand different cultures is crucial for building trust with overseas counterparts
Interest in the market and analytical skills
- One must be sensitive and responsive to rapidly changing markets. The ability to collect and analyze information and establish responsive strategies is necessary.

About this Job
Perform the role of Green Motor, accelerating the era of eco-friendly future vehicles
- We supply not only engine parts for internal combustion engines but also components for drive motors, which are essential for electric vehicles, and parts used in steering systems. By leading the trends in the automotive market that is shifting towards electric vehicles, we bring the eco-friendly future closer.
Know where the wind comes from(知風知自)
- Just as a boat needs only one direction of wind to move forward despite the wind blowing from many directions, the most important thing in developing new projects is the ability to understand the trends and make decisions. It requires the ability to make wise decisions based on knowledge of the overall industry and international situations, and knowledge of the products in charge, and sometimes the ability to turn crises into opportunities.
Negotiation Skills
- Various skills are needed to spot and seize new business opportunities. It is necessary to understand the language and culture of the counterpart for communication, and to accurately identify the compromise point – where you make deals with people. Good negotiation skills can turn one opportunity into ten more.
Resources Development
01Resources Development

About this Job
Exploration & Drilling
- Exploration is the process of searching for geological structures that may contain oil/gas by acquiring and analyzing seismic, geological, and geochemical data. Drilling is the subsequent operation to confirm the presence and extract oil/gas from geological structures, utilizing various equipment and technologies to bore holes from the ground to the geological structure.
- POSCO INTERNATIONAL is striving to become a specialist in overseas energy development, with a particular emphasis on the Myanmar gas field operation and maintenance, staffed with experts in each area to manage the gas field reliably.
Specialized Knowledge and Data Analysis Skills
- Having specialized knowledge related to gas field exploration, drilling, and operations can aid in understanding and performing the job. Proficiency in commercial software related to the work is also necessary. Since decisions are made based on data, the ability to analyze large volumes of data is essential.
Teamwork and Communication
- Due to the large scale and broad scope of the business, the ability to communicate with experts from various fields and lead teamwork is necessary.
Proficiency in Foreign Languages
- Since the work is primarily conducted overseas, proficiency in English or other foreign languages will be beneficial in performing job duties.
LNG Business
01LNG Business

About this Job
Direct Import & Sales
- Our business encompasses the entire LNG value chain, from the development of LNG gas fields to terminals and LNG combined cycle power plants, making the procurement of LNG crucial. The job includes planning the purchase, negotiating with suppliers, and finalizing contracts to procure LNG under optimal conditions.
Commissioning & Bunkering
- We operate commissioning and bunkering businesses using LNG terminal facilities. Our ship commissioning business, which checks the normal operation of major equipment, has established itself as the world's largest commissioning terminal company. Moreover, by entering the dock bunkering business, we have diversified our operations.
Communication Skills
- This job requires negotiations with various stakeholders, necessitating clear communication skills to articulate the company's position and achieve the desired outcomes actively.
Language Proficiency
- Given that our clients are professionals with extensive experience in the overseas market, language proficiency is essential to secure demand.
Understanding of the Industry and Related Regulations
- The ability to analyze and understand LNG market trends and price movements is required, as well as the capacity to interpret laws necessary for business operations such as the Urban Gas Business Act. Also required is the ability to analyze data and devise strategies to maintain competitiveness.
Power Plant Business
01Power Plant business

About this Job
Operation & Maintenance
- Our LNG power plant in Incheon is a private power plant boasting the country's first and largest generation facilities, contributing to the stabilization of national power supply. Based on over 50 years of accumulated technology, we operate power generation facilities with optimal performance and efficiency and continuously improve them to enhance reliability.
Responsibility for Facilities
- Even as power plants become more sophisticated and automated, the heart of power production is people. Hence, a sense of ownership and responsibility towards power generation facilities and safety consciousness is crucial for building trust with internal members and collaborators.
Problem-Solving Through In-depth Data Analysis Based on Expert Knowledge
- Expertise in electrical/mechanical engineering and specialized knowledge of the power market/environment/safety are necessary. The ability to accurately diagnose the integrity of power generation facilities and find causes and improvements when issues arise is important.
Business Development
01Business Development

About this Job
Renewable Energy
- The role encompasses the entire process of establishing eco-friendly power plants, from locating candidate sites, conducting feasibility studies, obtaining permits through discussions with government agencies and local residents, selecting construction companies, to managing construction.
Hydrogen Energy
- POSCO INTERNATIONAL is pursuing clean hydrogen business to participate in achieving global carbon neutrality goals. We are developing infrastructure projects such as clean hydrogen/ammonia import and export terminals and ammonia cracking plants, based on existing facilities like LNG terminals, and are conducting joint research and business development around the world using our overseas network.
Sense of Ownership
- The job requires the perseverance to overcome numerous obstacles encountered in realizing ideas and an attitude that is both rational and optimistic in navigating situations.
Communication/Negotiation Skills
- Given the large scale and long-term nature of POSCO INTERNATIONAL's operations, the role involves extensive negotiations with internal and external stakeholders during the development phase. Therefore, effective communication skills and the ability to build partnerships are necessary.
Eager to Learn
- The power generation business requires a wide variety of knowledge due to the diversity and variability of technology in expanding new markets. An active approach to learning is paramount.
Terminal Business
01Terminal Business

About this Job
Build & Expand
- With the continuous increase in natural gas demand, securing and supplying natural gas has become crucial. POSCO INTERNATIONAL is pursuing the expansion and establishment of LNG terminals in the vicinity of the existing Gwangyang LNG Terminal and in Dangjin. This involves attracting clients, negotiating and obtaining permissions from government agencies and bodies, and managing all aspects of terminal business development from EPC contracts to construction.
Terminal Operation
- We provide services for the unloading, storage, vaporization, and dispatching of LNG and manage ancillary businesses using LNG terminal facilities. This includes negotiating and finalizing contracts with terminal users, managing LNG supply, inventory, and price management for LNG and LPG for ancillary businesses, as well as developing and executing plans and strategies for long-term business operations.
Understanding of LNG Business
- Given the industry's sensitivity to global politico-economic and energy policies, the ability to grasp and respond to the ever-changing industry trends is crucial. A comprehensive understanding of the natural gas industry is needed to quickly forecast, analyze, and respond to various factors impacting the LNG business.
Capability to Handle Multiple Tasks Timely and Accurately
- As the job involves managing business from start to finish, the ability to perform various tasks and prioritize them to ensure timely and accurate completion is important.
Communication Skills
- The job involves negotiations and communications with various stakeholders. Proactive and logical communication skills are essential to gain understanding and cooperation from others.
Corporate Planning/Finance
01Corporate Planning

About this Job
We define the company's overall business strategy and set the direction to follow based on internal and external environmental and capability analyses. We operate various management systems to achieve medium- and long-term management goals
Business Strategy
- We undertake planning support work that establishes the company's mid-to-long-term vision and business strategy, and performs key management issue analysis to facilitate swift decision-making and execution by top management. This role acts as the communication portal representing the entire company.
Investment Project Management
- We are responsible for supporting the evaluation of the feasibility and risks of investment projects and their strategic fit, as well as managing the invested assets during actual investment progression. We operate a systematized management structure to ensure stable profit generation through investment projects.
Global Business Management
- Managing over 80 global networks, this role involves planning optimized business operation strategies by monitoring major trends in each country and industry. It serves as the control tower leading overseas businesses and as a communication channel that shares key performances and issues with the headquarters and related organizations.
Insight and Execution
- As the job requires deriving efficient directionality for internal and external issues, insight to quickly distill core points from necessary data is essential. The ability to provide accurate and efficient reporting to enable management to make swift and correct decisions is also important.
Globally Sensible
- The ability to grasp international situations and major issues and to discover insights within them is needed, as well as the capability to understand the variety of businesses the company operates. Additionally, the capacity for smooth communication with colleagues both domestically and abroad is required. A responsible and proactive attitude towards work is also necessary.

About this Job
The finance role is broadly divided into accounting, funding, RM (Risk Management), and taxation.
- We perform periodic accounting reporting (monthly/quarterly/annually) and respond to accounting issues that arise from changes in internal and external business environments. We also design and operate an internal accounting control system to reduce the company's financial risks.
- We manage the company's cash flow and financial costs efficiently through funding procurement and operation. We support export and import finance and manage risks through analysis and prediction of domestic and foreign financial market fluctuations, including currency/commodity price changes.
Risk Management (RM)
- We handle tasks from trade finance support to management of receivables and insurance. In addition, we contribute to minimizing losses by analyzing risk factors for different business transaction types.
- We carry out tasks related to national and local tax filings and review domestic and international tax issues and transfer pricing management to reduce tax risks and achieve tax savings.
Professionalism in Standards and Tax Laws
- The ability to read and understand standards, tax laws, and tax treaties and to make the right judgments is required.
Analytical Thinking and Logic
- When special transactions and issues occur, the ability to carefully analyze the situation and apply the correct standards and precedents is needed.
Fundamentals in the Company, Communication, and Teamwork
- As the job requires frequent communication with all employees within the company, a basic willingness to be kind, the ability to create synergy during the communication process, and teamwork capabilities are necessary.
Energy Policy
01Energy Policies

About this Job
Policy Analysis
- We conduct research and analysis of laws, policies, and regulations across climate, environment, and energy sectors, examining their impact on the company to formulate appropriate responses.
Prompt Adaptation to Changing Policies
- In line with the global energy paradigm shift and the significant changes in the domestic energy market, we work to improve existing systems and develop new policies and regulations.
Analytical Skills and Broad Perspective
- The complexity of the energy sector, where various fields are interconnected, requires a broad perspective even when examining a single policy. Understanding the nuances of the energy industry and the ability to closely analyze the implications of changing regulations is essential.
Good Understanding of Various Policies on Climate, Environment, and Energy
- A thorough understanding of government policy goals, direction, and related laws and regulations is necessary to respond to the rapidly changing energy policies
Management Support
01HR (Human Resources)

About this Job
Human Resources (HR)
- HR involves securing and nurturing talent, specifically in Human Resource Management (HMR), which includes all activities related to recruitment, evaluation, compensation, and workforce management.
Labor Relations
- Harmonizing and good relationship and generate higher value. Create a cooperative labor culture together with employee representative bodies (labor unions, labor-management councils). We also plan and operate various work systems, compensation systems, and welfare programs to encourage employees' work motivation and enhance their sense of belonging.
Organizational Culture
- We operate various communication programs to allow both management and employees share the same vision and goals, build a horizontal relationship based on mutual respect, and help to create a place where knowledge and experience can be shared freely between colleagues.
- We support a variety of training programs, from job training to general education in leadership/followership, and language support to ensure that the talent within our organization continues to grow.
Communication Skills and a Serving Mindset
- HR requires a genuine approach and the ability to communicate openly as it deals with employees extensively. It's also important to understand the cultural differences among various employees within the organization
Flexible Thinking and Creativity
- Labor and workforce culture – two of the most important roles in HR – is crucial because it can bring changes to people, and moreover, the whole team. HR always needs to think in a wider spectrum, constantly acknowledging what an action and its consequences can do to an employee – to even their families.
Planning and Analytical Skills
- The ability to analyze and plan new systems for employees, based on an understanding of various layers within the organization, job roles, systems, and culture, is important.

About this Job
Public Relations
- PR has two branches: PR channel operations and media relation. PR channel operations use internal and external communication portals to build the corporate brand image and strengthen employee communication. Media relations promotes the company through the press and contribute to enhancing shareholder value by conveying the company's vision and growth potential to the mass.
External Cooperation
- External cooperation consists of 'government relations' in dealing with government agencies and various organizations, 'brand planning' to manage the company's brand and CI, and promotional materials, and 'sports marketing' which includes managing the women's table tennis team and sponsoring bobsleigh, skeleton, and football teams. These activities play a role in properly communicating the company's brand value and enhancing its positive image.
Basic Understanding of PR, Government Relations, and Branding
- A communication officer must be able to interact with external stakeholders as a representative of the company, convey the company's vision and direction, and build a positive brand image together.
Issue Analysis and Judgment Skills
- A high responsibility often comes together when it comes to dealing with various societal issues that are highly relevant to the company. A good understanding as well as good insight of the company’s main areas is needed
Collaboration and Communication Skills
- The ability to communicate openly and with respect in collaboration with business stakeholders, and the initiative to steer projects in the right direction are essential.
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