Shareholder Proposals
POSCO INTERNATIONAL is implementing various policies and activities that prioritize shareholder value
Shareholder Proposals
Notice for Submission of Shareholder Proposals
Shareholders have a right to submit Shareholder Proposals to raise certain matters to be placed on the agenda and put to a vote at the next available Annual General Meeting. (Commercial Act Article 363-2)

Shareholders’ proposals may be submitted by shareholders who hold no less than a certain percentage of the total issued and outstanding shares and may also be submitted by multiple shareholders that jointly satisfy the holding requirements. (Commercial Act Article 363-2 (1), Article 542-6 (2), (8))
[Submission Methods]
  • 1) Submission deadline : Six weeks prior to the date of the year corresponding to the date of the Annual General Meeting of the preceding year
  • 2) Method : In writing or by electronic document
    • Address : POSCO INTERNATIONAL Corporation, IR Department (POSCO Tower-Songdo, 165, Convensia-daero, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Korea)
    • Email :
    • Tel : +82-2-759-3469
  • 3) Qualifications
    Shareholders who have held no less than 0.5 percent of the total issued and outstanding shares with voting rights for over six months, or shareholders holding over 3.0 percent shares (No requirement of holding period for over six months).
    • The qualification criteria above (having held for over six months) will be determined by counting back six months from the date before the submission of the proposal (via writing or by electronic document)
    • Documents for submission: Actual Shareholder Certificate issued by the Korea Securities Depository and Statement of Transactions (to validate holding period)
※ Precautions : Under the Commercial Law, POSCO INTERNATIONAL Corporation reserves the right to reject a Shareholder Proposal in case the proposal falls under any criteria for rejection. (Article 12 of the Enforcement Decree of the Commercial Act)
Criteria for Rejection of Shareholder Proposals
  • Where a proposal is presented again within three years from the date on which a proposal with the same content was rejected for having received approval of less than 10% of the votes at the Annual General Meeting.
  • Where the proposal concerns a shareholder's personal grievance
  • Where the proposal concerns a matter that involves a right of minority shareholders obligated to hold shares in excess of a certain ratio to exercise shareholders' rights
  • Where the proposal concerns a matter that involves the removal of an incumbent executive officer
  • Where the proposal concerns a matter that the company is unable to materialize, is based on an evidently false ground, or defames a particular person
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