Report Center
Reporting Unethical Behavior
Report any corrupt behaviors of POSCO INTERNATIONAL employees, including accepting bribes and entertainment.
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Abuse of Authority
physical assault by POSCO INTERNATIONAL employees.
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Bullying & Sexual Harassment
Report any bullying and/or sexual harassment in the workplace.
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(Fair Trade/
Subcontracting, etc.)
Report any employee who violates or is likely to violate legal obligations.
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Make the Application Form
* Entering your email address is required when selecting ‘Apply’ in the result notification application.
It can consist of 8 to 10 digits. (Lowercase English letters, numbers, and special characters are required)

Areas marked with (*) are required fields.

  • In order to check the processing results, the registration number issued upon completing the report and the password are required, so please record them.
  • Please be aware that the reported matters are excluded from the investigation if they fall under any of the following conditions:
    • In case of reporting an employee's private life or private dispute in which the company cannot be involved
    • If the reporter requests preferential treatment in relation to the reported matter or if the report is made for an unjustifiable purpose
    • In case of slandering the other party with unfounded, malicious information, false facts, or one-sided claims
Personal Information Collection and Use Consent
1. We collect only the minimum amount of personal information.
We ask for you consent to use your personal information for the purpose of confirming the content of your report and providing a reply to your report.
2. Personal Information Collected
- Required information : Your name, Your Number, Password

- Optional information : E-mail, Relationship with the Company

3. Retention and usage periods for personal data : Three years (Data may be deleted immediately upon request by the information provider)
4. You have the right to refuse consent. However, if you do not agree to give consent, you cannot use the Cyber Reporting service.
You must express your consent to submit your report.
Reporting Unethical Behavior
Actions subject to reporting
  • The act of receiving money and valuables from stakeholders (including family members and relatives).
  • The act of shifting the cost of entertainment and meals higher than the usual level onto stakeholders.
  • The act of joining any golf meetings or using membership paid by stakeholders (except for official events).
  • The act of receiving hospitality paid by stakeholders, such as transportation and accommodation and accepting bribery.
  • The act of borrowing money from stakeholders and requesting loan guarantees.
  • The act of requesting preferential treatment and special favors to stakeholders in various personnel affairs.
  • The act of informing stakeholders about congratulatory or condolatory events and receiving any congratulatory or condolatory money from them.
  • The act of engaging in unfair business practices, such as bid rigging for concluding any contract with POSCO.
  • Any other violations of the Code of Ethics.
Protection of the identity of informants and those who cooperate
Provision of compensation to informants
Guideline for Compensation for Reportingdown_icon
To keep an informant’s identity confidential during the compensation payment process, the head of the audit function inside the Legal Affairs Office receives the compensation and delivers it to the informant in a way that ensures confidentiality and he or she wants.
Prohibition of disclosing and tracking down informants and those who cooperate
  • Prohibition of disclosing the identity of informants and those who cooperate
    Any executives and employees who become aware of the identity of informants and those who cooperate, whether on duty or by accident, are prohibited from disclosing their identities.
  • Prohibition of tracking down informants and those who cooperate
    The accused person, his/her department and other relevant departments are strictly prohibited from carrying out any activities that may disclose the identity of informants and those who cooperate, such as making inquiries to the Legal Affairs Office and engaging in investigation activities to find out their identity.
  • Prohibition of identity disclosure by audit personnel
    It is prohibited to disclose or imply the identity of informants and those who cooperate without their consent.
  • Punishment in case of violation
Prohibition of unfair treatment of informants and those who cooperate
  • Investigation of identity disclosure
    When the identity of an informant and those who cooperate is disclosed, it shall be reported to the Legal Affairs Office.
    The Legal Affairs Office launches its investigation into how their identity was disclosed and punishes responsible persons.
  • Prohibition of unfair treatment
    Any unfair treatment of informants and those who cooperate is prohibited, and punishment for violation shall be stipulated in relevant documents.
How to report
Category Description
Where to report Legal Affairs Office
How to report Informants can choose the most convenient way among the website, mail, phone, fax, physical visit and others.
Instruction Specify the personal information of the informant himself/herself and the accused person as well as the details of the violation according to the 5W1H method with relevant evidence attached.
However, in the case of a matter of urgency (e.g. unethical behavior is underway at the moment of reporting), it can be reported without evidence.
Office in charge Cyber reporting
Go to the company website ( and click “Report Center > Reporting Unethical Behavior Report

Phone/fax/physical visit (Legal Affairs Office)
Telephone: 82-2-759-2194 / Fax: +82-2-2076-2825

Compliance and Fair Trade Section, Legal Affairs Office, POSCO INTERNATIONAL, 165, Convensia-daero, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, 21998, Republic of Korea
Abuse of Authority
Actions subject to reporting
  • All unfair trade practices, such as forced purchase, price adjustment and management interference using a dominant position.
  • Verbal abuse, assault, insult, physical abuse, humiliation, unfair work instructions, etc. using a superior position.
  • All other unfair and inhumane behaviors.
Protection of the identity of informants and those who cooperate
Provision of compensation to informants
To keep an informant’s identity confidential during the compensation payment process, the head of the audit function inside the Legal Affairs Office receives the compensation and delivers it to the informant in a way that ensures confidentiality and he or she wants.
Prohibition of disclosing and tracking down informants and those who cooperate
  • Prohibition of disclosing the identity of informants and those who cooperate
    Any executives and employees who become aware of the identity of informants and those who cooperate, whether on duty or by accident, are prohibited from disclosing their identities.
  • Prohibition of tracking down informants and those who cooperate
    The accused person, his/her department and other relevant departments are strictly prohibited from carrying out any activities that may disclose the identity of informants and those who cooperate, such as making inquiries to the Legal Affairs Office and engaging in investigation activities to find out their identity.
  • Prohibition of identity disclosure by audit personnel
    It is prohibited to disclose or imply the identity of informants and those who cooperate without their consent.
  • Punishment in case of violationspan>
Prohibition of unfair treatment of informants and those who cooperate
  • Investigation of identity disclosure
    When the identity of an informant and those who cooperate is disclosed, it shall be reported to the Legal Affairs Office.
    The Legal Affairs Office launches its investigation into how their identity was disclosed and punishes responsible persons.
  • Prohibition of unfair treatment
    Any unfair treatment of informants and those who cooperate is prohibited, and punishment for violation shall be stipulated in relevant documents.
How to report
Category Description
Where to report Legal Affairs Office
How to report Informants can choose the most convenient way among the website, mail, phone, fax, physical visit and others.
Instruction Specify the personal information of the informant himself/herself and the accused person as well as the details of the violation according to the 5W1H method with relevant evidence attached.
However, in the case of a matter of urgency (e.g. unethical behavior is underway at the moment of reporting), it can be reported without evidence.
Office in charge Cyber reporting
Go to the company website ( and click “Report Center > Abuse of Authority Report

Phone/fax/physical visit (Legal Affairs Office)
Telephone: 82-2-759-2194 / Fax: +82-2-2076-2825 Mail
Compliance and Fair Trade Section, POSCO INTERNATIONAL, 165, Convensia-daero, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, 21998, Republic of Korea
Bullying & Sexual Harassment
Actions subject to reporting
  • Any actions in the workplace that attack an employee’s personality and dignity. Actions that hurt other employees physically or mentally, or degrade the work environment by taking advantage of one’s superior position.
  • Actions that cause the other person to be sexually humiliated or offended by sexual comments or requests for sexual favors in relation to work by taking advantage of one’s superior position.
  • Putting someone at a disadvantage at work for not accepting sexual comments or sexual favors.
Protection of the identity of informants and those who cooperate
Provision of compensation to informants
To keep an informant’s identity confidential during the compensation payment process, the head of the audit function inside the Legal Affairs Office receives the compensation and delivers it to the informant in a way that ensures confidentiality and he or she wants.
Prohibition of disclosing and tracking down informants and those who cooperate
  • Prohibition of disclosing the identity of informants and those who cooperate
    Any executives and employees who become aware of the identity of informants and those who cooperate, whether on duty or by accident, are prohibited from disclosing their identities.
  • Prohibition of tracking down informants and those who cooperate
    The accused person, his/her department and other relevant departments are strictly prohibited from carrying out any activities that may disclose the identity of informants and those who cooperate, such as making inquiries to the Legal Affairs Office and engaging in investigation activities to find out their identity.
  • Prohibition of identity disclosure by audit personnel
    It is prohibited to disclose or imply the identity of informants and those who cooperate without their consent.
  • Punishment in case of violation
Prohibition of unfair treatment of informants and those who cooperate
  • Investigation of identity disclosure
    When the identity of an informant and those who cooperate is disclosed, it shall be reported to the Legal Affairs Office.
    The Legal Affairs Office launches its investigation into how their identity was disclosed and punishes responsible persons.
  • Prohibition of unfair treatment
    Any unfair treatment of informants and those who cooperate is prohibited, and punishment for violation shall be stipulated in relevant documents.
How to report
Category Description
Where to report Legal Affairs Office
How to report Informants can choose the most convenient way among the website, mail, phone, fax, physical visit and others.
Instruction Specify the personal information of the informant himself/herself and the accused person as well as the details of the violation according to the 5W1H method with relevant evidence attached.
However, in the case of a matter of urgency (e.g. unethical behavior is underway at the moment of reporting), it can be reported without evidence.
Office in charge Cyber reporting
Go to the company website ( and click “Report Center > Bullying & Sexual Harassment Report

Phone/fax/physical visit (Legal Affairs Office)
Telephone: 82-2-759-2194 / Fax: +82-2-2076-2825

Compliance and Fair Trade Section, POSCO INTERNATIONAL, 165, Convensia-daero, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, 21998, Republic of Korea
(Fair Trade/Subcontracting, etc.)
Actions subject to reporting
  • In case of a violation or potential violation of executives' and employees' compliance obligations.
  • Unfair collaborative practices, such as bid rigging between competitors, to conclude a deal.
  • Unfairly refusing a transaction or treating transaction partners differently.
  • Engaging in unfair trading practices by exploiting one's position.
  • Supporting related parties or other companies by transacting under unfair and significantly advantageous terms.
  • Transactions such as forced purchases, payment adjustments, and management interference through dominant positions.
  • Transactions such as cancellation of consignment, unfair returns, unfair special contracts, requests for technical data, etc., utilizing a dominant position.
  • Other actions that may undermine fair trade or violate subcontracting laws.
Protection of the identity of informants and those who cooperate
Provision of compensation to informants
To keep an informant’s identity confidential during the compensation payment process, the head of the audit function inside the Legal Affairs Office receives the compensation and delivers it to the informant in a way that ensures confidentiality and he or she wants.
Prohibition of disclosing and tracking down informants and those who cooperate
  • Prohibition of disclosing the identity of informants and those who cooperate
    Any executives and employees who become aware of the identity of informants and those who cooperate, whether on duty or by accident, are prohibited from disclosing their identities.
  • Prohibition of tracking down informants and those who cooperate
    The accused person, his/her department and other relevant departments are strictly prohibited from carrying out any activities that may disclose the identity of informants and those who cooperate, such as making inquiries to the Legal Affairs Office and engaging in investigation activities to find out their identity.
  • Prohibition of identity disclosure by audit personnel
    It is prohibited to disclose or imply the identity of informants and those who cooperate without their consent.
  • Punishment in case of violation
Prohibition of unfair treatment of informants and those who cooperate
  • Investigation of identity disclosure
    When the identity of an informant and those who cooperate is disclosed, it shall be reported to the Legal Affairs Office.
    The Legal Affairs Office launches its investigation into how their identity was disclosed and punishes responsible persons.
  • Prohibition of unfair treatment
    Any unfair treatment of informants and those who cooperate is prohibited, and punishment for violation shall be stipulated in relevant documents.
How to report
Category Description
Where to report Legal Affairs Office
How to report Informants can choose the most convenient way among the website, mail, phone, fax, physical visit and others.
Instruction Specify the personal information of the informant himself/herself and the accused person as well as the details of the violation according to the 5W1H method with relevant evidence attached.
However, in the case of a matter of urgency (e.g. unethical behavior is underway at the moment of reporting), it can be reported without evidence.
Office in charge Cyber reporting
Go to the company website ( and click “Report Center > Compliance(Fair Trade/Subcontracting, etc.) Report

Phone/fax/physical visit (Legal Affairs Office)
Telephone: 82-2-759-2194 / Fax: +82-2-2076-2825

Compliance and Fair Trade Section, POSCO INTERNATIONAL, 165, Convensia-daero, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, 21998, Republic of Korea